Join DSA Santa Cruz

There are many ways to be a part of DSA: from direct action and organizing to teaching or electioneering.

Sign Up With Us

You don't have to be a dues-paying member to fight capitalism.

Sign up today to find out about upcoming actions, meetings, and other events so you can join our efforts to support our community and each other.

Become a DSA Member

Become a card carrying socialist!

Help fund and steer our organizing efforts! Voting members elect local leadership, vote on endorsements, and determine our platform on issues like the Green New Deal and Medicare for All.

Get Involved In Local Efforts

Hit the pavement.

Once you've become a DSA Member, the next step is getting involved in our organizing efforts. Take action, educate, canvass, disco, fight capitalism. The power is yours.

Invite your friends

Help grow working-class solidarity